
Play Data Aggregator

Page history last edited by J Herskowitz 15 years, 7 months ago

Currently Supported Services:


Many of these services now include the ability to send/scrobble your play history data directly to Last.fm.  I have done some work on a filter so that you don't end up posting multiple times for the same play event.  It still needs some more work, but it seems to help a bit.


Yahoo Pipe:



Note that most parameters are your username, but both Rhapsody and Imeem IDs are harder to come by. Your Rhapsody ID is found in your My Rhapsody RSS feed URLs. Your Imeem account number is even harder to find, but I'm working on trying to find a better way to get to it.






Some of the guys at Last.fm have begun a very intesting project on content resolution over at www.playdar.org.  Check it out!


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